Monday, February 7, 2011

Almost missed my flight

Towards the end of the week of ski touring everybody was starting to feel a little rough, myself included. Personally I had a blister on my foot the size of... well, it was big, and painful. I decided that because of this newly formed behemoth of a blister I would save my group the trouble of lugging around dead weight and take the last day off to heal up. After calling and letting my group know that I would not be making it I went to go get a coffee and work on some assignments for class. After getting settled and opening my computer, I did what every person my age does, I checked Facebook. Boy was I glad I did. Once opened, my page jumped to life with notifications galore telling me to GET TO SCHOOL, IT'S A HELI DROP DAY! I immediately called my group only to hear a helicopter in the background thinking it was already to late. I thought that I would go for it anyway, told my group to stall and that i would be there in 5 minutes. So I started driving to the heli-pad (I had no idea where it was other then, "dude it's behind some condo's somewhere, by the Stanford Inn"). I drove to the condos by the Stanford Inn only to find that there is a BIG ol' snowy field standing between me and the heli-pad, and I can see the chopper starting up. Thinking that I only have mere minutes to get on that flight I ran across the thigh deep snow field with my all my gear in arms. I arrived frantic, out of breath and relieved that i made it.

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